to find us
Grid reference: NY822695
GPS reference: 76555511095
our full address is:
Grindon Farm
Haydon Bridge
NE47 6NQ
by road
Follow directions using Google
Maps (UK)
Newcastle upon Tyne: travel west along B6318 (Military
Road) from Newcastle to Carlisle. Turn South along
road signed Haydon Bridge 4 miles. We are 1/2 mile
down this road on the left.
travel west along A 69 from Newcastle to Carlisle.
Turn off A69 (sign posted Haydon Bridge) cross the
bridge over the River Tyne into Haydon Bridge, and
take the next right at The Railway pub. Keep heading
North on the main road following signs for Grindon
for approximately 4 miles. The entrance to Grindon
farm is on the right.